Soft film smallpox smallpox, pull, pull bitter fleabane smallpox, flexible smallpox, transparent film, light film has become the preferred material for ceiling materials. Using a special soft PVC material, 0.18 mm thick, fireproof grade B1 (domestic). Piamater by one or more cutting and finished by high frequency welding. Piamater need measuring smallpox size on the spot, produced in the factory. Film size stability at -15 degrees to 45 degrees celsius.
The development of soft film smallpox has thirty years of glorious history, it is to replace the traditional ceiling ceiling and wall materials, design effect with artistic conception designers ahead of the plane and three-dimensional shape can be caused by a variety of flexible materials of this revolutionary, and with more than one hundred kinds of color selection. A new type of practical material for twenty-first Century was recommended by the building society.
舒適: 1.減少熱量和改變聲學條件增加室內空間的舒適度。 2.美觀上的舒適,天花潔凈漂亮。 3.良好的居住環境,良好的新感覺。 4.在光面中能帶來空間和亮度的印象。
Comfort: 1 to reduce heat and change the acoustic conditions to increase the comfort of indoor space. 2 beautiful on the comfortable, clean and beautiful smallpox. 3 good living environment, good new feeling. 4 in the smooth space and can bring brightness impression.
選擇: 1.適合所有樣式,有多種材料和顏色供選擇。 2.普通材質有100多種顏色,10種不同的表面效果。 3.你可以繪畫在天花表面。 4.能在所有形式中做成1種或多種顏色。并能自己任意調色。
Choice: 1 for all styles, there are a variety of materials and colors for choice. 2 ordinary material has more than 100 kinds of color, 10 kinds of different surface effects. 3 you can paint on the surface of smallpox. 1 can be made in all forms of 4 or more colors. And their own arbitrary color.
設計: 1.帶來創意。在柔力天花中多種靈活的設計。能做成1種或多種顏色的組合。并能自己任意調色。 2.頂彩軟膜天花有防水功能。讓泳池、廚房、衛生間的設計更加多元化。 3.能適應在任何表面、形式、情況、地方。 4.能有水平、圓形、弧形多種形式。 5.發現新的設計理念。
Design: 1 bring creativity. A variety of flexible design in flexible smallpox. A combination of 1 or more colors. And their own arbitrary color. 2 top color soft film ceiling waterproof function. Let the swimming pool, kitchen, bathroom design more diversified. 3 can be adapted to any surface, form, situation, place. 4 can have a horizontal, round, arc of a variety of forms. 5 discover new design ideas.
光照: 1.能和吊燈、筒燈、聚光燈、霓虹燈管等配套安裝。 2.在大塊的表面上,光照方式形成了分離。 3.光面天花能形成反射,透光面天花75%的透光效果可任意色彩搭配。
Light: 1 supporting the installation and chandeliers, downlights, spotlights, neon lamp etc.. 2 on the surface of the bulk, light forms the separation. 3 smooth ceiling can form a transparent surface reflection, light effect can be any color collocation of smallpox 75%.
環保: 1.不會用很多能量。 2.1000㎡的頂彩軟膜天花相當于0.1 m3木材(約180KG)。而相同尺寸的木板相當于50m3木材。 3.使用壽命長。 4.回收率100% 5.無任何毒性。
Environmental protection: 1 will not use a lot of energy. 2.1000 square meters of the top color soft film smallpox is equivalent to 0.1 m3 wood (about 180KG). And the same size of the board is equivalent to 50m3 wood. 3 long service life. 4 recovery rate of 5 100% without any toxicity.
經濟: 1.生產商提供以下擔保:10年間對所有生產上的隱蔽缺陷如:焊接縫、邊扣條。 2.良好的質量,價格低、安裝方便、壽命長。 3.不掛灰塵,永保潔凈。不損壞框架,水泥結構和鋼結構,以及屋頂面,能平衡熱量。
Economy: 1 manufacturers to provide the following guarantees: 10 years on all the production of hidden defects such as: welding seam, edge buckle. 2 good quality, low price, easy installation, long life. 3 do not hang the dust, clean forever. Do not damage the frame, cement and steel structure, as well as the roof surface, can balance the heat.
美觀: 1.對于所有技術問題能帶來美觀上的解決方法。 2.線條和整幅形式有助于整個裝飾效果的美觀。 3.顏色的選擇的多樣性有助于達到舒適美觀的效果。 4.能提供給一個漂亮和和諧的感覺。
Beautiful: 1 for all technical problems can bring aesthetic solution. 2 lines and the whole form helps the whole decorative appearance. 3 the choice of color diversity helps to achieve the effect of comfort and beauty. 4 can provide a sense of beauty and harmony.
防水: 1.天偉軟膜天花有防水功能。 2.大多數材質可以用水洗。 3.防水,通常能保護房子不受漏水的影響,天花形成一個儲存袋,在遭到水的破壞時,排出后,能再次恢復原狀。
Waterproof: 1 days Wei soft film ceiling waterproof function. 2 most materials can be washed with water. 3 waterproof, usually to protect the house from the impact of water leakage, the formation of a storage bag, in the destruction of water, discharge, can once again return to the status quo.
衛生: 1.可以使用常用清潔劑清洗。 2.可以用水沖洗。 3.防靜電、不掛塵。 4.保證沒有溶劑揮發和細菌產生。 5.沒有毒性,完全符合歐洲和國際標準。
Health: 1 can use commonly used cleaning agents. 2 rinse with water. 3 anti-static, do not hang dust. 4 ensure no solvent evaporation and bacterial production. 5 no toxicity, in full compliance with European and international standards.
創意: 1.能從不斷的技術飛躍和先進的裝飾過程中獲益。 2.能使設計師有更多的材質選擇,從而創造更豐富的藝術效果。 3.能滿足任意造型。
Creativity: 1 can benefit from the continuous technological leap and advanced decoration process. 2 enables designers to have more material choices, thereby creating a richer artistic effect. 3 can meet any shape.
安裝: 1.應當由專業人員安裝。 2.將龍骨安裝在合理的高度。 3.天花在工廠定做。加熱后伸展,并插入龍骨。 4.安裝快捷方便。 5.安裝過程中不損壞室內設施。
Installation: 1 should be installed by professionals. 2 the keel is installed at a reasonable height. 3 smallpox in the factory custom make. Extend after heating and insert into keel. 4 quick and convenient installation. 5 installation process does not damage the indoor facilities.
隔音: 1.聲音系統與安裝材料結合,能達到良好效果,已在有關專業院校通過相關檢測。 2.能有效的改進室內音色效果。 3.其中的幾種材質能有效隔音。
Sound insulation: 1 sound system and the installation of materials, can achieve good results, has been related to the professional colleges and universities through the relevant testing. 2 can effectively improve the indoor sound effect. 3 some of these materials can be effective noise.
防熱: 1.在封閉層中形成一層空氣。能有效隔熱。 2.能降低熱量的損失。 3.能與絕熱裝置有機的結合,達到良好效果。
Heat: 1 in the closed layer to form a layer of air. Can effectively heat insulation. 2 can reduce the heat loss. 3 can be combined with the thermal insulation device, to achieve good results.
持久性: 1.25年以來,長久的生命力已廣大客戶所證實。 2.在許多年后,不會減少天花的色彩及光澤度。 3.10年之內永不變形。
Durability: 1.25 years, the long-term vitality has been confirmed by the majority of customers. 2 after many years, the color and gloss of smallpox will not be reduced. Never deformation within 3.10 years.
修復: 1.在修復中允許有新的創意。可以做出完美的組合和藝術效果。 2.在安裝過程中,不需要移動室內任何家具及擺設物品。 3.通過專業的技術員能修復有缺損的天花
Repair: 1 in the repair allows new ideas. Can make the perfect combination and artistic effect. 2 in the installation process, do not need to move any indoor furniture and furnishings items. 3 through a professional technician can repair the defect of smallpox
抵抗: 1.抵抗冷和熱。-15C~45C間。 2.不斷的保持張力。 3.對X射線不敏感。 4.能抵抗一定的負荷。
Resistance: 1 resistance to cold and heat. -15C~45C room. 2 keep tension constant. 3 is not sensitive to X rays. 4 resistance to a certain load.
安全: 1.防火的天花材料能與所有安全設計結合。 2.符合安全需求。防火級別為M1級。中國B1級,(同石膏板,夾板一個極別)。 3.因為質量輕,材料不會壓迫框架,不會在地震和爆炸中受到傷害。 4.不會在封閉層中積累靜電。
Safety: 1 fireproof ceiling material can be combined with all safety design. 2 meet the safety requirements. Fire rating for M1 level. China B1, (with gypsum board, plywood a pole). 3 because of the light weight, the material will not be compressed frame, will not be hurt in the earthquake and explosion. 4 does not accumulate static electricity in the closed layer.